Saturday, February 26, 2011

Monica Roccaforte Collection

black holes in the early universe.

There is a growing view that black holes in the early universe may have been the seed around which most large galaxies today (now with a supermassive black hole at their centers ) began to grow. And taking a step back, could also be the case that black holes were the key to reionization of the early interstellar medium - which in turn influenced the large-scale structure of universe today.

To recap the first years ... First came the Big Bang - and for about three minutes it was very compact and therefore very hot - but after three minutes the first protons and electrons formed and the next 17 minutes a proportion of these protons interacted to form helium nuclei - up to 20 minutes after the Big Bang, the expanding universe became too cold to keep the nucleosynthesis . From there, protons, helium nuclei and electrons only ranged over the next 380 thousand years as a very hot plasma.
There were too many photons, but there was little chance that these photons do something other than form and immediately be reabsorbed by a neighboring particle in the hot plasma. But the 380,000 years, the expanding universe cooled enough for protons and helium nuclei combine with electrons to form the first atoms - and suddenly the photons were left with empty space were issued as the first rays of light - which in this day is still possible to detect as CMB .

high-mass binary (with a black hole as one of its components) emit X-rays were probably common in the early universe influencing their subsequent fate being a possible cause of the reionization process that ended the so-called dark age of universo.Credito: ESO.

diagram showing the stages through which has passed the state of baryonic matter from the beginning of the universe (where there ionized plasma) after neutral atoms formed (380,000 years after the bigbang) and then re-reionize (500000 years after big bang) when the first stars formed, this plasma reionised that filled the interstellar medium was completely transparent to radiation and siéndolo.Credito continues: New Scientist.

What followed was the so-called dark ages only to about half a billion years after the Big Bang, the first stars began to form. It is likely that these stars were big, very big, as fresh and stable atoms of hydrogen (and helium) available were added and widened. Some of these first stars may have been so great that quickly blew apart as a supernova unstable pair. Others were simply too big and collapsed into black holes - many of them having too much gravity (itself) to allow a supernova explosion could fly any material from the star.
And here is where the history of reionization begins. Cold atoms and hydrogen stable early interstellar medium not remain cold and stable for long. In a smaller universe full of dense massive stars, these atoms quickly overheated, causing their electrons and nuclei are dissociated into ions became free again. This created a low-density plasma - still very hot, but too diffuse to be opaque to light any longer.
is likely that this step reionization then limited the size at which new stars may grow - and limited opportunities for new galaxies to grow - (as hot and excited ions are less prone to aggregate and enhance the cold and stable atoms .) Reionization may have contributed to the current distribution "lumpy" of matter - which is generally organized in large, discrete galaxies, instead of a uniform dispersion of stars everywhere.
And it has been suggested that the first black holes - in fact the high-mass black holes X-ray binaries - may have made a significant contribution to the reionization of the early universe. Computer models suggest that in the early universe, with a trend toward very massive stars would be much more likely to have black holes and stellar remnants, rather than neutron stars or white dwarfs . Also, those black holes would be more frequently isolated binary (because the most massive stars are most multiple systems often than they do the small stars).
Thus, with a massive binary in which one component is a black hole - black hole quickly start to accumulate a large accretion disk composed of matter from another star. Then the accretion disk will begin issuing high-energy photons in particular in the energy levels of X-rays.
Although the number of ionizing photons emitted by an accreting black hole is probably similar to its parent star bright and shining, is expected to issue a much higher proportion of high-energy photons from X-ray - with each of these warming potential ionizing photons and multiple atoms in its path, while a photon of a bright star just might reionize one or two atoms at most.

source of information:

Proposal For Tv Production

La Palma TV broadcast next Tuesday at the reporting 22'30h Alfaro brothers

Are there many that I have asked for the report that we recorded for the program "Dreams of Nervion of Sevilla FC TV, on Alfaro brothers. Well, this interview will be aired next Tuesday at 22'30h in the sports program La Palma Television.

During the broadcast, and Jesus Alejandro Alfaro talk about their first steps, sporting history, their present moments in their respective teams ... Also, the older brother of the flagship football home La Palma, Juanito Alfaro (CD player San Roque de Lepe ) gives us all a lesson in poise and how to advise all future stars who struggle to find the dream of being a footballer.

Yes sir, a family to follow.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Making A Congratulatory Speech

the murmur of a monster.

The Andromeda galaxy is the nearest big galaxy to our Milky Way. Like the Milky Way has a spiral arm structure with a massive black hole at its core. Unlike Milky Way, however, the black hole is remarkable in size - about 30 times larger than our galaxy, or about a hundred million times the mass solares.También is strangely very passive: the supermassive black holes Similar distant galaxies are often surrounded by accretion disks that emit bright X-rays and generate powerful jets of particles cargadas.Andrómeda lacks both. Astronomers want to understand why the heart of Andromeda is so still, so to model the behavior of black hole, as well as trying to understand why they are so distant galactic nuclei different, astronomers also made the question of whether the Milky Way once went through a similar phase?

composite image of the Andromeda galaxy in infrared (red) and X-rays (blue). A new study by X-ray emission from the region around the supermassive black hole at the galaxy's core activity is of bursts, is the first time that such processes (similar to the Milky Way) have been observed anywhere else other than our galaxia.Credito: Herschel ESA's XMM-Newton.

The black hole of the Milky Way is also at rest compared with that of other galaxies, but it is curious that erupts from time to time in X-rays, infrared and radio wavelengths, sometimes increasing their brightness by a factor of ten or a hundred a short time. It was thought that perhaps the black hole environment of the Milky Way was different in a special way, perhaps in some way related to the greater questions about the ultimate issue remote systems. Astronomers CfA
Zhiyuan Li, Michael Garcia, Bill Forman, Christine Jones, Ralph Kraft, Dharam Val and Steve Murray, carefully analyzed a decade of X-ray observations made by the Chandra Observatory of the Andromeda galaxy , resulting notable.Encontraron that although the core was passive from 1999 to 2005 in 2006 increased its X-ray luminosity by forty times, and remains bright and variable today. The team proposes to do in future studies coordinated X-ray and radio. The results are important to show that the black hole of the Milky Way is not the only (at least in regard to outbreaks), and provides a step towards a better understanding of what happens in other galactic nuclei with holes black.

read the study HERE

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cake Ideas For A Mother's Birthday

signs of a strange particle decay.

According to the standard model of particle physics, matter is composed of three "families" quarks and leptons .

Each family has four types of particles: two quarks and two leptons. Ordinary matter consists mainly of particles of the first family: up and down quarks, which are tightly bound inside protons and neutrons, the electrons and electron neutrinos, which are abundantly produced by fusion reactions inside stars. For all we know, quarks and leptons of the second and third family are identical copies of the first family, but have heavier masses. These heavy quarks and charged leptons are unstable particles that can be produced in high energy collisions, but extremely fast decay through the weak interaction , particles of the first family.
This description of the matter is consistent with experiments that have been observed, but why do we have three almost identical replica of the quarks and leptons (also known as the three "flavors" of quarks and leptons), but with different masses, is one of the great open questions in particle physics. In the limit of no electroweak symmetry breaking, any standard model particles should have a mass. The problem of the masses of quarks and leptons, therefore, is intimately connected with the other major open question in particle physics: why carriers of the weak force the W and Z bosons-have mass? In the standard model , these two problems are solved by what is called the mechanism Higgs : quarks and leptons, as well as W and Z bosons have mass because they interact with a new field, called the Higgs field. In this table, is the Higgs field who electroweak symmetry breaking . If high-energy experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC ) at CERN could detect a Higgs field excitation-(Higgs boson), would be proof that this mechanism is the basis of the masses existing particles.

Higgs mechanism postulated in the standard model, however, is not satisfactory for various reasons, mostly because it becomes unstable at high energies. Instead, it is likely that the idea of \u200b\u200ba Higgs field is really just a low energy approximation of a more fundamental theory. The signal from this "true" theory to higher energies appear as new degrees of freedom in the form of new heavy particles. Attempts to find evidence of this new theory can be divided into two main categories: (i) direct search for the new degrees of freedom through experiments in high energy frontier, and in particular in the LHC, and (ii ) indirect search for new particles through precision studies at low energies, the so-called border high intensity. The latter is particularly relevant in determining the structure of taste of new degrees of freedom, or how these new fields are coupled to different families of quarks and leptons. It is in this context that Joachim Brod, Gorbahn Martin, and Emmanuel Stamou Technical University of Munich, Germany, have developed a better theoretical description of a rare particle decay to give experimenters a powerful tool to look for signs a more fundamental theory. Their calculations, specifically details the probability of a K meson (kaon) decays into a pion ) neutrino (ν ) and antineutrino (ν -) ( K → π ν ν -) (see Fig), are presented in the journal Physical Review D.
Assuming that the image is correct, the presence of the Higgs field mixes different families of quarks in the weak interaction and establishes a hierarchy in the various modes of decay of heavy quarks in the lightest. In particular, the interaction between the Higgs and weak interactions implies that the processes where a quark changes flavor, but not its cargo (for example, the strange quark is a second family becomes the bottom of the quark first family, which has a different mass but the same electrical charge) can occur only in higher orders of electroweak interactions and are strongly suppressed. These processes, called transitions changing neutral current flavor ( FCNC) are an ideal place to search for new physics: the signal (of the new physics) excel in the narrow context of what already predicted by the standard model.

up the image the disintegration of K π ν ν is mediated by the transition from neutral current flavor changing s d → ν ν (where syd reprentaciones the strange quark and down respectively). Below is a diagrammatic representation of a loop contribution the extent of s d ν ν within the standard model on the left and within a standard model extension to the right. Credit: Alan Stonebraker.

decay K → π ν ν -on study by Joachim Brod is a particularly interesting example of FCNC transitions: the likelihood that these processes occur ( call branching ratios ) can be calculated to an exceptionally high degree of precision, not compared to any other FCNC process involving quarks. The exceptionally clean theoretical decay K → π ν ν - in the standard model is a very simple: the probability of decay is dominated by the exchange of heavier particles the standard model (the top quark and W and Z bosons) and these contributions can be calculated reliably in perturbation theory . Since the early nineties, theorists began to make these calculations more and more accurate [more here, here and here ]. Joachim Brod further strengthens the theoretical cleanliness of these modes with a full evaluation of the two-loop electroweak contributions (ie, including contributions to the sixth order in the coupling constant weak.) As was discussed in the present study irreducible theoretical error of the ratios are at 4% and 3% for the modes ( + K Π → + ν ν -) and ( K L → π 0 ν ν -) respectively.
There is a price to pay for this high theoretical cleaning. The ratios are small, for every ten billion K-mesons, only one, on average, should decline in the final state π ν ν - and the experimental signature (two neutrino states end) is difficult detect because they are very weak interacting neutrinos. This is the reason why the experimental search for these processes is a very difficult task. So far, only a few events ( + K → π + ν ν - ) have been observed by the E787 experiment [see here] and E949 [see here ] the Brookhaven National Laboratory . Their combined data lead to a decay rate of which is compatible with the standard model, but has an error too large to provide a very stringent test of the model. In other words, the theory is more accurate than the experimenters are now able to measure. The good news is that new pilot programs to substantially improve the measurement accuracy of these rare decays have been or are being discussed in several laboratories: the experiment NA62 at CERN aims to collect about 50 events + K → π + ν ν - per year, with 20% of fund from 2012. In a similar time scale, the experiment KOTO in J-PARC aims to collect some events as neutral, assuming the standard model is correct. On a longer timescale, experiments related kaon plan Project-X at Fermilab may be able to reach a level of accuracy of a few percentage points in the two decay modes. Thanks to the great cleansing theoretical amplitudes K π ν ν - , these future experiments will provide valuable information on the flavor structure of physics beyond the standard model.

read the study HERE

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White Vaque Sundowners

The football ; One weekend a few games

Bridge Building Andalusia Day will be held on provincial championship teams, making it necessary to stop the league in several categories. As an example, the child Andalusian cadets.

So, will only eight the parties be played this weekend.

I let you the dates and times :


Saturday February 26

• 10'45h . Child 2 nd Prov G2, S. happy - CD San \u200b\u200bJuan

• 12'30h . 1 st Provincial Benjamin, S. happy - R. Pancho

• 12'30h . Benjamin 2 nd Prov G2, S. happy - Santa Marta

• 16'00h . Amateur 1 ª Andaluza La Palma CF - CF
Sunday February 27

• 12'00h . Youth D. Honor, S. happy - UD Almería


Friday February 25

• 17'00h . Alevín 1 st Provincial, Huelva RCR - S. happy

Saturday February 26

• 10'30h . 2 nd Pr Alevín G3, Atco. Columbus - S. happy

• 11'30h . 2 nd Pr Alevín G2, Trigueros - S. happy

luck everyone!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Navy Blue& Brown Curtains

core of neutron stars behave like a superfluid.

The neutron stars, the compact remnants of some supernova explosions are some of the most mysterious objects in the universe.

These peculiar objects have a mass between one and two times the Sun, but are packaged in a space of only 20 km in diameter (70, 000 times smaller than the diameter of the sun). The average density of a neutron star can therefore exceed a few hundreds of billions of grams per cubic centimeter, a density several times found within the heavier atomic nuclei. The extreme conditions that prevail in the interior of neutron stars are so far from those found in laboratory experiments that the properties of their nuclei remain largely unknown, and the theoretical description of matter the neutron star is currently one of the most challenging issues of nuclear and particle physics. In an article appearing in the journal Physical Review Letters, Dany Page of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and his colleagues in the U.S., argue that there is strong evidence that the neutrons in the nuclei of neutron stars form a superfluid. This conclusion, which was reached independently by another group led by Dima Yakovlev Technical Physics Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia, is based on recent observations of X-ray thermal emission from the young neutron star in Cassiopeia A which is the remnant of a supernova (see Fig).
From the chance discovery of pulsars radio Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Anthony Hewish in 1967, nearly two thousand neutron stars have been detected. Many more probably exist in our galaxy. As was predicted by William Baade and Fritz Zwicky in 1933, neutron stars are born of the catastrophic gravitational collapse of the iron core of massive stars at the end point of its evolution. During the first ten seconds after the explosion of the supernova, the newly formed protoneutrón star has a radius of 50 km and remains very hot, with temperatures internal order of a few billion degrees. About a minute later, the star becomes transparent protoneutrón the nearly massless particles called neutrinos produced abundantly in the interior. This allows easy and escaping neutrinos carry energy, so the protoneutrón star cools rapidly and shrinks in an ordinary neutron star. When the temperature falls below a billion degrees, the outer layers of the star crystallizes into a solid crust. At this point, the nucleus is much colder than the crust due to cooling energy produced by the neutrinos escape. After several decades, the interior of the star reaches a uniform temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees (except for a thin outer shell covering of heat). The last stage of cooling is carried out after a few hundred thousand years, when heat radiates from the interior to the surface and is dissipated as thermal electromagnetic radiation [more here and here ].

Cassiopeia A in the constellation of Cassiopeia is the youngest neutron star conocida.Basados \u200b\u200bin the cooling rate observed the star, astrophysicists believe that the neutrons in their nuclei are in a superfluid state. The upper part shows an image of Cassiopeia A in Xray at the bottom is an illustration showing the different layers of a neutron star. Credit: (Top) NASA / Chandra X-ray Observatory, (Bottom) redrawn with permission from Fridolin Weber, San Diego State University.

The metal surface, which is composed mainly of iron, often is hampered by a thin atmosphere. A few meters below the surface, the material is so compressed that atomic nuclei, which are arranged in a regular lattice Coulomb, are fully ionized and therefore live with a quantum gas electrones.En depths of the star, the nuclei become increasingly neutron-rich until the neutrons start to come out of the nucleus, forming an underground ocean of neutrons. Whereas the composition of the outer bark is almost completely determined by the experimental atomic masses, the inner bark, where neutrons are not bound, has no equivalent on Earth and therefore can only be studied theoretically. The crust is dissolved in a uniform liquid of neutrons, protons and electrons when the density reaches about half of which is inside the heavy nuclei. In the crust-core transition kernel can take very unusual ways, such as rods or plates that are called "pasta" nuclear and could be responsible for half the mass of the crust. The composition and properties of dense matter in the inner core of a neutron star are still poorly understood
In particular, it was suggested in 1959, before the actual observations of the first pulsars, the interior of neutron stars could contain a neutron superfluid-a frictionless liquid with very unusual properties. Superfluidity is one of the more macroscopic showy quantum mechanics. The nucleons are fermions , and due to Pauli exclusion principle generally tend to avoid themselves. This individualistic behavior of the nucleons, along with strong repulsive nucleon-nucleon interaction at short range, provided the pressure needed to counteract the enormous gravitational pull of a neutron star, which prevents collapse. However, at sufficiently low temperatures, the nucleons can be paired. These couples are bosons can behave consistently in a very large scale and the nucleon condensate can flow without viscosity, analogous to the superfluidity of helium-3. (Interestingly, while helium-3 becomes a superfluid only below a few mK, superfluidity is sustainable, even at a temperature of millions of degrees in a neutron star, due to the enormous density involved .) Although nuclear pairing has been theoretically studied for several decades [see here ], the core region of a neutron star where this phenomenon might occur is still uncertain. As shown in the two groups of astrophysical observations of young cooling neutron star in Cassiopeia A might shed light on the longstanding problem.
Cassiopeia A, which takes its name from its location in the constellation Cassiopeia , is the remnant of a star that exploded 330 years ago at a distance of some 11 000 light years away. The central compact object has been recently identified as a neutron star with a carbon atmosphere and a surface temperature of about two million degrees [see here ]. The neutron star in Cassiopeia A is not only the youngest known, emitting heat in isolation in our galaxy, but also is the first neutron star that has been directly observed cooling. Ten year follow-up of this object, revealed that his temperature has dropped by about 4% since its discovery in 1999 by X-ray Observatory Chandra [see here ]. This cooling rate is much faster than expected from standard theories of neutron star cooling. According to the two teams of scientists analyzed data from the Chandra X-ray to determine the cooling rate, these observations provide strong evidence for superfluidity in the cores neutron stars. In fact, the onset of superfluidity of neutrons opens a new channel for the continuous emission of neutrinos of fractionation and formation of pairs of neutrons. This process is most effective at temperatures slightly below the critical temperature of superfluid transition, improving the cooling of the star for several decades. Based on observations of Cassiopeia A, Dany Page and his colleagues determined the critical temperature of superfluid neutron half a billion degrees and argue that the protons in the cores of neutron stars are superconductors. Yakovlev's group reached similar conclusions, but its critical temperature inferred for the neutron superfluid is a few hundreds of millions of degrees higher, since they assume different microscopic entries. This rapid cooling is expected to continue for a few decades at the same speed. If Page's interpretation is confirmed by future observations, the results put stringent constraints on microscopic theories of nuclear matter density.

read the study HERE

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The Palmerin, Patri Rubio, Jesus Alfaro

On Sunday, the newspaper Seville "Sports Arena" , published in its pages an interview Palmerín and ex-player of Sevilla FC, Rubio Patri.

The interview is the section "What happened to ...? , the sports newspaper dedicated to the players who went through Betis and Sevilla few seasons ago.

I leave with the report in full. I congratulate Alejandro Sáez for their hard work.


The Huelva, which today is devoted in body and soul to a family winery in La Palma del Condado, recalls his time in Nervión, where he was "misunderstood" by the coaches on duty was not given any confidence.

name Patricio Bernal Rubio may sound like Chinese for many Sevilla, with a little luck, perhaps stored in his memory the name of Blanquirroja Patri, a player who went on tiptoe for Nervión and did little very little noise, in the Ramón Sánchez Pizjuán , where it had "confidence" of the coaches on duty. The very young Huelva enjoyed success, a success that perhaps it came too soon and, although he went to his head, caused certain circumstances will come large. With 15 years , pointing his career high, enjoying a surprising projection, for one thing or another, progressively diluted over having to go to a destination desperately lacking any teams interested in him.

What do you do for a living today?

My family owns a winery here in La Palma del Condado. Luis Felipe produce brandy.

And how are you? Well

. Holding the downfall of the crisis, it is not easy. Although we sell an elitist product, we are a midsize company, we pull forward as we can. With difficulties, but here we go.

Does long-standing commitment to it?

since 2004. It was quit football in June and started here in September.

Has life changed much? The

Yeah, kicking a ball to sell brandy and vinegar ... The football did not give me to live off the income, now holds a senior commercial and devote myself fully to it and enjoy my family. It is neither better or worse, I have been professional for 15 years, I am very grateful to the football. It ended an era and began another. When you live outside football real life, you, as it were somehow a step above the rest. You earn money and not think about the difficulties that lives the rest.
I was getting the idea gradually. At first, the change is complete, you receive a high wall that is insurmountable. Everything is finished, stop having so many people watching you and you do not win much easy money, your standard of living low. The hardest thing is to assimilate the change.

Do you have something to do with football?

None. I tried to squeeze the most of my career and now I'm totally disconnected. I had my ideas clear. His family business and knew that although the income would be lower, would have a solid ground in the world of football coaching for example, would have secured every month.

"Football gave no income to live because it squandered the money or because they simply did not give to much?

I, luckily, I always found people who made me see that it was important to save money and invest in properties, so I did. Still, I can not complain either, there are colleagues who unfortunately do not have to pay the floor.

Do you maintain contact with a colleague from his time at Sevilla?

occasionally play with veterans of Seville, but increasingly, as I have four children and each time it is more difficult. For my work, like it or not, I maintain relationships with friends or acquaintances of my time as a footballer, who are helping me to position the product. Quotes, is the way I have to remain connected to football.

Do you have some kind of relationship with his former teammates in Seville?

With colleagues at that time no, but if it is true that Sevilla itself. In the Cup final, the club's gift to the media was a commemorative shirt and a flask of brandy, that product was ours. That, in part because he offered the club a quality product and was due to my past relationship with the entity football.

What are your memories of his time at Sevilla?

Although I signed four years and only played one, whether they play more or less, I have fond memories. It was a very nice where you get the objective of the promotion, which served to win some more money and others leave for other teams. He played very

Nervión little ...

Some 24 or 25 games in which, by removing four or five on the jump start that I was always alternate. I knew I was in a big team like Sevilla, so I had no other thing to accept. I had always dreamed of playing in a top team, I can only fight and I knew the coach understand: I think I was a player misunderstood by some technicians.

Does that happen in Seville?

Yes, I mean to them. A Castro Santos, first, and Marcos Alonso, who replaced him later. Do not trust me, it was only when he had a head injury or a player was with his selection. I did not have the continuity needed. I misunderstood, I had to go on loan to Badajoz and next season I went back to Seville, where he had no place. Polideportivo Ejido patch to the desperate, not finding a team and I was there two years. I spent several very nice moments. Then, I ended up retiring at Almeria.

And that aimed high youth ...

If anyone paid money for a boy and came to Atletico Madrid and he did it for me. I was 15 and the maturity of a child itself, the situation passed me, but not by me but by circumstance in itself. No one put a gun anyone to sign or pay money for me.

Did you get success too soon?

Not that I arrived early success, the ways child. Gil Jesus came to the presidency and everything he did at that moment was magnified. I just wanted to play. Then came the club, where he was Cruyff revolutionizing the quarry. Was booming and, although there were many many other teams interested, we wanted the best for me. There I spent four great years where I learned and matured a lot. Sevilla
His time was a turning point in his career, which was on "stand by"
was not always the case. I do not first team debut for Barcelona because I injured my fibula. All the time my fellow first-team debut: De la Pena, Roger, Sergi. From there I went to Bangkok, where he got 14 goals in Division 2. Some numbers that caught the attention of many teams. The Sevilla was the last, threw away the other waiting, knew of his interest.

Were you hampered his career after his stint in the Sanchez Pizjuan?

It happens to everyone, if you do not give you confidence. My life was never more than football.

Would you scored much that?

No, what influenced me were the four years in Barcelona. It was always said that football is all made up and now comes Pep Guardiola and shows that this is a lie. My time there I scored a lot. He had a philosophy. Move up in class and continue to use the same system since then.

An interview with Sports Stadium.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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a world with two suns in the sky, is it possible?.

an observed binary star G type (like the sun) from a hypothetical planet with about 0.5 degrees of angular diameter in the sky would suggest that both would be around one astronomical unit away, but you could have such a close red dwarf and a distant blue giant with the same apparent diameter, but no doubt they would look substantially different, both in color and brightness .
So if the two suns are the same size and are about the same distance, then it is likely that you are standing on a planet circumbinario (like the fictional planet Tatooine Star Wars universe) that surrounds both stars in an orbit.
circumbinaria To allow stable orbit - you must meet two conditions are either a) that the planet must be very distant from the binary stars (which essentially act as a single center of mass) or b) that the two stars are very close together - so act essentially as a single center of mass. It is unlikely that a planet could maintain a stable orbit around a binary system where it is exposed to pulses of gravitational force, created when two stars approach the planet, on a regular basis.
Anyway, if you can stand on a planet and see a set of binary suns - and a way of life based on the water, then, your planet is within the habitable zone system stars, the area where water can exist in liquid form. Given this - and its apparent size and proximity to each other, most likely, you orbiting two stars who are really close together.

hypothetical set of 2 stars with an apparent diameter equal to the sun on a planet circumbinaria with an orbit around them. Crédito.Nasa.

to get a planet in the habitable zone around a binary choice is probably limited to circumbinarios planets around two nearby stars or circumstellar planets around a star in a binary system widely scattered. Credit: NASA / JPL.

But, bearing in mind, that if one accepts that there are two G-type stars in the sky, then it is unlikely that the planet is exactly one astronomical unit from them - and that the presence of two stars in the sky should be equivalent approximately double the flow obtain stellar one. And it's not a simple matter of doubling the distance to reduce by half the stellar flux. Doubling the distance will reduce by half the apparent diameter of stars in the sky, but an inverse square relationship applies to its brightness and solar flux, as twice as far only get a quarter of its flow star. Therefore, something like the square root of two, ie about 1.4 astronomical units away from the stars, could be the right distance.
However, this means that the stars now need a larger diameter than the sun to create the same size were apparent in the sky - which means they should have more mass, what would a more intense spectral class. For example, Sirius has 1.7 times the diameter of the Sun, roughly double its mass - and thus about 25 times its absolute luminosity . So even at 2 astronomical units away, Sirius would be nearly five times brighter and deliver five times the stellar flux of what makes the sun to the earth (or ten times, if there are two such stars in the sky) .
So, in summary ...
is a problem to reach a stage where they could be two stars in the sky with the same apparent size, color and brightness (the sun) and keep the planet in the habitable zone - unless the planet is in orbit around circumbinaria two star equivalent. There is no reason to doubt that a planet could maintain a stable circumbinaria orbit around two stars equivalent to G type could be similar to the Sun or any other type. However, it is a struggle to arrive at a plausible scenario where these stars could maintain its angular diameter in the sky that appear to be, while keeping the planets in the habitable zone of the system.
words, if you're in a desert world, but with two stars of spectral class more intense than the G is likely to be expelled from the atmosphere of the planet - and up to two G-type stars, such a scenario would give Venus (which receives about twice the solar flux to Earth, being 28% closer to the Sun .) Could be smaller stars of the class K or M, but then they should be more red than they appear to be - and their planet would be closer to them, to the point where it is unlikely that the planet could maintain an orbit stable.

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Sports Stadium wet again with Sevilla C

The Palmerin, Jesus Alfaro was one of the key pieces of Sevilla C on this day, in the match played in the morning yesterday at the Ciudad Deportiva José Ramón Cisneros Palacios before Industrial Jerez . The second subsidiary

Sevilla needed victory at all costs to distance itself somewhat from the red zone classification. And it was the lesser of Alfaro, who opened the can of the game. Thus adding his second of the season with the team of Diego Martinez .

The final was 2-0 work Menudo.

With this victory, Sevilla C picking some oxygen and full of moral and confidence facing the crucial game that has next weekend at the Stadium Guadalquivir of Coria. As both teams before this Seville derby with 29 points in his locker.

Congratulations Jesuli!

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1-0: La Palma makes a great impression on Rota

already warned in the run to La Palma CF visit Mayor Navarro Flores at the wrong time. Just because the CD Rota was the best moment of the season. After many troubles in the first round of the Cadiz province chained five consecutive hours without being defeated and, added the sixth.

Although they had to sweat to achieve "China ink" because La Palma gave a class on tactical the pitch for ninety minutes, basing his game on a football contragolpeo vertical and .

Under definition Rota many fans who gathered in the stadium, "La Palma has been one of the best teams that ever walked the Navarro Flores this season . And is that despite the young age of its players, all Kiki is increasingly clear concepts and their style of play . Yesterday was more than enough merit to get something positive, however, could not help but cum vacuum on the Cadiz coast.

From Rota CD heavily loaded with collegiate , Blázquez Arroyo. I do not know, maybe they are right. The only thing I know for sure is that the team that went to stay with ten more than twenty minutes to go, was again La Palma CF. In this case, was Paul Miller who had to leave the pitch before the end, when he saw the second yellow card 70 minutes into .

This action marked the passing of the encounter, as the rattan one more and playing at his parish grew a little more in the home stretch meeting. But the collective work of the Palmerins defense was outstanding, so much so that the CD Rota was only able to destabilize the balance from the penalty spot . At a maximum (very clear) committed by Mario Abad and transformed Mota in final 1-0.

losses hurt, but we must keep the image which featured a team that fell in love again for his packaging, clarity of ideas and defining their style .

Next week we received the Olont .

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Do You Break Into A Lock Box

identify thick disk galaxy Andromeda.

A team of astronomers from the UK, U.S. and Europe have identified a large stellar disk in the nearby Andromeda galaxy for the first time. The discovery and properties of thick disk limit the dominant physical processes involved in the formation and evolution of spiral galaxies large as our own Milky Way .

By analyzing the precise measurements of the velocities of bright individual stars in the Andromeda galaxy with the Keck telescope in Hawaii, the team has managed to separate the stars that trace a thick disc that compose the thin disk, and evaluate how they differ in height, width and chemistry.

image of the Andromeda galaxy made with a filter h-alpha.Crédito.Adam Evans.

schematic representation of a disc structure grueso.Este thick disk consists of stars they are typically older than those located in the thin disk. making it ideal for studying galaxy evolution. (Credit: Amanda Smith, graphics IoA officer.)

graph shows the ages and orientations of the component stars in the disks of galaxias.El halo (spheroid) has the oldest population followed grueso.El thin disk drive typically contains more younger generations of stars. (Credit: RAVE Collaboration).

The spiral structure dominates the morphology of large galaxies today, with approximately 70% of all stars contained in a thin disk star. The structure of the disc contains the spiral arms traced by the regions of active star formation, and surrounding a central bulge of old stars in the center of the galaxy. From the observations of our own Milky Way and other nearby spiral, we know that these galaxies typically have two stellar disks, one thin and one thick, says study leader Michael Collins, PhD student at the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge . The thick disk is composed of older stars whose orbits bring them down a path that extends above and below the thin disk more regular. The classic slim stellar disk that we see in images of the Hubble is the result of accretion of gas at the end of the formation of a galaxy,''Collins continues, while thick disks are produced at a stage much early life in the galaxy, making them ideal markers of the processes involved in galaxy evolution.''

Today, the formation of thick disk bien.Anteriormente not understood, the best hope for understanding this structure was by studying the thick disk of our own galaxy, but much of it is hidden from our view. The discovery of a thick disk similar Andromeda has a much cleaner view of the structure espiral.Andrómeda is the closest large spiral to the Milky Way, close enough to be visible to the naked eye - and can be viewed in its entirety from the Milky Way. Astronomers will be able to determine the properties of the disc through the full extent of the galaxy and look for signs of the events related to their training. It requires an enormous amount of energy to cause the stars of a galaxy to form a thick disk component, and the theoretical models proposed include the accretion of smaller satellite galaxies, or a more subtle and continuous heating of stars in the galaxy's spiral arms.

Our initial study of this component and suggests that he is probably older than the thin disk with a different chemical composition,''said UCLA astronomer, Mike Rich, more detailed future observations will allow us to unravel the formation of the system Andromeda's disk, with the possibility of applying this knowledge to the formation of spiral galaxies in the Universe.''

This result is one of the most exciting emerging from the largest study of the movement and chemistry of the stars in the outskirts of Andromeda,''said team member Dr. Scott Chapman, also of the Institute of Astronomy. Find the thick disk has given us a unique and spectacular view of the Andromeda system training, and will certainly contribute to our understanding of this complex process.''

read the study HERE

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