already warned in the run to La Palma CF visit Mayor Navarro Flores at the wrong time. Just because the CD Rota was the best moment of the season. After many troubles in the first round of the Cadiz province chained five consecutive hours without being defeated and, added the sixth.
Although they had to sweat to achieve "China ink" because La Palma gave a class on tactical the pitch for ninety minutes, basing his game on a football contragolpeo vertical and .

Under definition Rota many fans who gathered in the stadium, "La Palma has been one of the best teams that ever walked the Navarro Flores this season . And is that despite the young age of its players, all Kiki is increasingly clear concepts and their style of play . Yesterday was more than enough merit to get something positive, however, could not help but cum vacuum on the Cadiz coast.
From Rota CD heavily loaded with collegiate , Blázquez Arroyo. I do not know, maybe they are right. The only thing I know for sure is that the team that went to stay with ten more than twenty minutes to go, was again La Palma CF. In this case, was Paul Miller who had to leave the pitch before the end, when he saw the second yellow card 70 minutes into .

This action marked the passing of the encounter, as the rattan one more and playing at his parish grew a little more in the home stretch meeting. But the collective work of the Palmerins defense was outstanding, so much so that the CD Rota was only able to destabilize the balance from the penalty spot . At a maximum (very clear) committed by Mario Abad and transformed Mota in final 1-0.
losses hurt, but we must keep the image which featured a team that fell in love again for his packaging, clarity of ideas and defining their style .

Next week we received the Olont .
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