Thursday, January 20, 2011

Extraction Of Cardamom

autonomy if

autonomy if, indeed, it appears that since Hitler mustache launched the puya, a part of the zombies that have turned many citizens, has started ranting of autonomy. Fortunately, the Constitution shields, and the change seems unlikely. I would say something else is certainly the model of autonomy, but their spending. The great politicians that we should develop mechanisms within the constitution to limit the expenses of the autonomous (municipalities and county councils) and their ability to access debt and said that more autonomy (under the constitution) are state Like the Central Government, are not foreign. Then there are the duties English parties, design, devise, control. Perhaps, following a historical pattern pendular state model, ranging from the Taifa kingdoms ultra-centralist French model, the autonomous status has gone to the extreme of excessive spending, fix this is easy, spending and borrowing limits, and humans tend to spend well when we have limited resources, while designing the model powers the Constitution seems valid. No return to those days (1983) when it took me two years in high school title as the paper went to Madrid (the artificial city that would not exist without Spain, so they are as English, are now again to go on tour AVE), was signed by a man and returned.


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