Friday, January 21, 2011

Grow Flowers Malaysia


How many atrocities are being made on behalf of the resolution of the crisis? Review the bullets Forges in the country, nails it, for against the guild of economists, seems to follow the dictates of neo-conservative thinking only what Hammelin flutist. The latest outrage is the recapitalization and restructuring of the boxes, early retirements to 95% of salary (which easily exceeds 100,000 €), by the FROB, or ultimately the state. So a group of executives who contributed to the crisis and housing bubble Salary home with scandal, with public funds, when the boxes are clean (with public money), and enter a private investor lined (where is Fernández Ordóñez?). Meanwhile, the solution is: labor reform, easy dismissal, lower wages to staff, increased retirement age, and if they could link workers. It seems that nothing changes, those who can not decide and surf the waves have to pay the costs of the excesses that have not developed, are the weakest, unemployed, trapped in mortgages, officials with miserable salaries, employees semisiervos, self without slaughter, without financing companies, etc. Some will be Descojonado: a leftist party is going to destroy the social rights achieved for generations, will clean up financial institutions and to reward many blame for the crisis, besides the road will be expedited to the right. Zapatero, you are slain, firms without looking, you smell a political corpse, while experts may have some truth and allowed to use the word reform to disguise an asymmetric burden sharing, where capitalism thrives vampire, fattened with bubbles and socializing the losses in the crisis.


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