Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bmx Old School Puerto Rico

claims to have found fossils of extraterrestrial life.

We are not alone in the universe and extraterrestrial life forms may have more in common with life on Earth than we previously thought.

That's the startling conclusion of a NASA scientist in a new study published in the March issue of the Journal Cosmology.

Dr. Richard B. Hoover, astrobiologist NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, in his study describes the discovery of an extremely rare class of meteorites, called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites , of \u200b\u200bwhich only nine are known.

The expert said that the meteorite analysis reveals fossil evidence of bacterial life, which would indicate that we are not alone in the universe.

He found the fossilized remains of micro-meteorite not so different from ordinary ones who are here on earth.

Dr. Hoover has found evidence of microfossils similar to cyanobacteria , freshly sliced fractured interior surfaces of carbonaceous meteorites Alais, Orgueil CI1 IVUN and based on the Scanning Electron Microscope and Field Emission ( FESEM) and other measurements, Dr. Hoover has concluded that these meteors are unique and are similar to cyanobacteria trichomic and other prokaryotes trichomic such as filamentous sulfur bacteria. Concluded that these bacteria are not fossilized land-based pollutants, but are the fossilized remains of organisms that lived in the main bodies of these meteorites, for example, comets, moons and other astral bodies. The implications are that life is everywhere, and life on Earth may have come from other planets.

members of the scientific community were invited to discuss the results and write critical comments or to speculate on the consequences. These comments will be published between March 7 to March 10, 2011.

Dr. Richard Hoover is a well-respected scientist and astrobiologist with a prestigious record of achievements at NASA. Given the controversial nature of their discovery, have invited 100 experts and has issued a general invitation to over 5000 scientists from the scientific community to discuss the study and provide a critical analysis. We intend to publish the comments, both for and against, along with the work of Dr. Hoover. Thus, the study will have received a thorough background investigation, and all points of view can be presented. No other document in the history of science that has undergone a very thorough analysis, and no other journal in the history of science that has put a significant role available to the scientific community for comment before publication. We believe the best way to advance the science, is to promote debate and discussion.

IVUN CI1 meteorite filament (0.8 micrometers in diameter) with lines dark C partially embedded in a thin sheath rich in carbono.Crédito.Richard B. Hoover.

obtained by FESEM image of a filament in the meteorite IVUN.

image of the terrestrial bacteria Titanospirillum velox see the similarities with the picture above the meteorito.Crédito : Dr. Riccardo Guerrero.

FESEM image of multiple strands embedded in the meteorite Orgueil.Crédito.Richard B. Hoover.

FESEM image of the filament in the meteorite Orgueil.Crédito.Richard B. Hoover.

up mopping FESEM image of the meteorite Orgueil permineralized with recognizable morphotype heterocitos interpreted as the cyanobacterium Calothrix spp down living filaments of the cyanobacterium Calothrix sp observing the semejanza.Crédito.Richard B. Hoover.

Then the abstract Study:

The Environmental (ESEM) and scanning electron microscope by field emission (FESEM) investigated the internal surfaces of the CI1 carbonaceous meteorites and have produced images of large groups of filaments. The filaments have been observed embedded in the newly fractured surfaces of the stones. They have characteristics (eg, the size ranges and size of internal cells and their location and arrangement within the wrappers), that are diagnostic of known genera and species of cyanobacteria and other prokaryotes trichomic trichomic such as filamentous bacteria sulfur. The ESEM and FESEM studies of cyanobacteria living and fossil show similar characteristics in either filaments uniseriate and multiseriate, branched or unbranched, isodiametric or conical, polarized or not polarized with trichomes enclosed within thin outer casings or gruesas.Los filaments found in meteorites has also been detected CI1 which have structures consistent with the specialized cells and structures used by cyanobacteria to reproduction (baeocytes, akinetes and hormogonia), nitrogen fixation (basal, intercalary or apical heterocitos) and attachment or motility ( fimbriae .) Spectroscopy Studies of energy dispersive X-ray (EDS) indicate that the filaments of the meteorites are typically rich in carbon with a cover filled with magnesium sulfate and other minerals characteristic of the CI1 carbonaceous meteorites. The size, structure and detailed morphological and chemical composition of the filaments of the meteorite are not compatible with the known species of minerals. The nitrogen content of the filaments of the meteorites are almost always below the detection limit of the detector EDS.El EDS analysis of terrestrial minerals and biological materials (eg, Epsom salt fibrous, filamentous cyanobacteria; tissue and mummy hair mammoth tissues, and fossils of cyanobacteria, trilobites, insects in amber) indicates that nitrogen remains detectable in biological materials for thousands of years, but is not detectable in ancient fossils. These studies have led to the conclusion that the strands found in the CI1 carbonaceous meteorites are fossils themselves rather than modern terrestrial biological contaminants, which came after the arrival of meteorites to Earth. The δ13C and the D / H containing amino acids and other organic compounds found in these rocks are shown to be consistent with the interpretation that comets represent the parent bodies of carbonaceous meteorites CI1. The implications for the detection of fossils of cyanobacteria in the CI1 meteorites to the possibility of life on comets, Europa and Enceladus are also discussed.

NOTE: is good to clarify that it is not the first time that Dr Richard Hoover making these claims having something similar happened in 2007, see here, let's see who has the scientific community view at this time.


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