rings in space. Electrons
So finally you have the most valuable tool, a wormhole passable - and somehow you hold one end of it and accelerates at a very fast rate approaching that of light.
This could only take a couple of weeks as you accelerate at the same speed as the end of the wormhole. But for a friend who has sat waiting in the first inning of the wormhole, the time dilation mean that ten years may have gone, while you have traveled at speeds approaching that of light to the other end the wormhole.
So when you decide to travel back through the wormhole to see your friend, you naturally maintains its own frame of reference and therefore their own time, as indicated by looking at the watch on your wrist. So when you arising at the other end of the wormhole, it may surprise his old friend with a newspaper he took in 2011 - and he now lives in 2021.
You encourage your friend to return with you through the wormhole - and travel ten years back in time to 2011, spent a few pleasant days behind you that is ten years younger in all. However, his friend is disappointed to see that when both travel back through the wormhole to the other end is held in the year 2021 (not back to 2011), because the wormhole is linked to what has become an alternate universe - where time travel course that just performed did not. (Note: for a wormhole time machine function as it requires one end to move at speeds approaching that of light and the other may be stationary, so that then has the effect of relativistic time dilation in the end that moves, then have to connect both ends to form a closed space-time circuit known as closed timelike curve so that a traveler who enters the wormhole through the end Moving back in time to exit the stationary end).
+1006 SDSSJ0946 showing image of a rare double Einstein ring which can be explained either by the presence of two distant galaxies aligned directly behind the most massive nearby cluster of galaxies (which is gravitational lensing its light in the form of a double ring) or it could be a portal in the form of "donated" to an alternate universe according to a new estudio.Crédito. Hubble.Nasa.
the image shows the theoretical light signal expected for a wormhole type ringhole " donut-shaped time machine and a bottle of Klein.La type signal "ringhole" is a double Einstein ring and the sign of the Klein bottle are two concentric spirals truncadas.Una type time machine is a Klein bottle wormhole that warps space-time where the output has the same spatial position that the entry to cross it so you should only travel in the tiempo.Credito: González-Díaz-Serrano and Alonso.
You also realizes that his time machine, the wormhole has other límites.Y is that you can hasten the end of the wormhole to 100 or even 1000 years of expansion in time, but it remains the case that only you can travel back in time to 2011, the first time decided to speed up its end of the wormhole.
But anyway, would not it be great if some of this was really possible? If you look into the universe to try to see a wormhole passable - you can start by searching a Einstein ring. A light source from another universe (or a light source from a different time from an analogue of this universe) should be slowed by the spacetime warped wormhole - if the wormhole and the source light are in direct line vision. If this is plausible, then the light source should appear as a ring of bright light.
In fact many of these Einstein rings around, but one of the most common causes of their existence is generally attributed to the effect of gravitational lensing of a massive object (like a galaxy cluster) between you and a bright light source - all of which are still in our universe.
A recent theoretical study has suggested that a ringhole (ring-hole) instead of a wormhole structure could arise from an unlikely set of circumstances so that instead of a straight pipe you could have connection type donut ring with an alternate universe - that you should create a double Einstein ring - with two concentric circles of light.
This is a much rarer phenomenon and the authors suggest that the well-known example ( SDSSJ0946 1006) needs to be explained by chance alignment of three massive clusters of galaxies - which is starting to spread a bit of belief .. . maybe?
Whether or not a convincing argument, the authors propose that if a wormhole type Klein bottle exist - create a visual phenomenon as unlikely (two concentric spirals truncated light) then we can surely recognize that there are such exotic structures.
Well, if you ever see two truncated concentric spirals in the sky could pause for reflection.
read the study HERE
source of information:
http://www.universetoday.com/83425/astronomy-without-a-telescope-knots- in-space /
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