The black holes are some of the heaviest items in the electron universo.Los are some of the lighter. Now physicists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have shown how charged black holes can be used to model the behavior of the interaction of electrons in conventional superconductors.
"The context of this problem is high temperature superconductivity," Phillips said. "One of the great unsolved problems in physics is the origin of superconductivity (a conducting state with zero resistance) in the copper-oxide ceramics discovered in 1986. "The results of research by Phillips and his colleagues Robert G. Leigh, Edalati Mohammad, and Ka Wai, were published in the journal Physical Review Letters on 1 March in the journal Physical Review D, 25 February.
A unlike the older superconductors, which were all metal, new superconductors begin life as an insulator. In the insulation of the copper oxide materials, there are plenty of places for electrons to jump but still no power . This state of matter, known as an insulator Mott after the pioneering work of Sir Neville Mott, arises from the strong repulsion between electrons. Although much of this is agreed, most of the physics of Mott insulators remains unresolved, because there is no exact solution of the Mott problem that is directly applicable to the copper oxide materials. Introduced
string theory-an evolving theoretical work that attempts to describe the known fundamental forces of nature, including gravity, and their interactions with matter in a unique, mathematically complete.
Fourteen years ago, a string theorist, Juan Maldacena, conjectured that some strongly interacting quantum mechanical systems may be modeled by classical gravity in a spacetime with negative curvature constante.Las charges in the quantum system is replaced by a charged black hole in space-time curved thus joins the geometry of space-time with quantum mechanics.
illustration of a hole negro.Crédito.NASA / JPL-Caltech.
Mott Since the problem is an example of strongly interacting particles, Phillips and his colleagues asked the question: "Is it possible devise a theory of gravity that mimics a Mott insulator? "In fact, it is, as has been demonstrated.
Researchers using Maldacena mapping designed a model for the electrons moving in a curved spacetime by the presence of a charged black hole that captures two of the most striking features of the normal state of high temperature superconductors: 1) the presence of a barrier to the movement of electron in the Mott state, and 2) the strange metal regime in which electrical resistivity scale as a linear function of temperature, unlike the quadratic dependence exhibited by standard metal.
advanced treatment in the published article in Physical Review Letters shows surprisingly that the boundary of space-time consists of a charged black hole and electrons interact weakly exhibits a barrier to electrons moving in this region, as in the Mott state. This study represents the first time the Mott problem has been solved (exactly) in a two-dimensional system, the relevant dimension for high-temperature superconductors.
"The next big question we must address," Phillips said, "is how superconductivity emerges from the theory of gravity of a Mott insulator?"
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