The collapse supernova of a massive star into a star protoneutrón is truly catastrophic. The simulations of these events are based on knowledge of how matter responds to star outside temperature and pressure, which are given by the equation of state (EOS).
interior model neutrones.Crédito.Nasa a star.
The EOS is particularly difficult to estimate in this setting fusion of atomic nuclei produced hyperons ( nucleons with at least one light quark (up or down) quark replaced by a strange). In an article in Physical Review, Fiorella Burgio of INFN in Catania, Italy, and colleagues in Italy and China, including the two relevant hyperons ( Λ and Σ - ) under the temperature and density conditions prevailing in a recalculation advanced more accurate than previous work to provide a more realistic way for the EOS of stellar matter at finite temperature.
The authors provide a convenient analytical parametrization of the EOS that can be used as input to a complete simulation of supernovae. Based on its preliminary estimate concludes that the most massive neutron stars should have a core most of the matter (nucleon-hyperon), compared to strongly interacting quarks.
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