who raised for a moment looked to the sky could be seen in a Saturday night Luna larger than normal, in particular, almost 15% more voluminous and 30% brighter. The phenomenon is explained. "This is the night where the distance from Earth is minimal, the shortest of the last 18 years" . The usual separation is 384,000 kilometers over the Earth. On Saturday the distance was reduced 354,000.

This event is known as "superluna" and occurs when this approach coincides with the full moon phase . The star is then at its perigee, the closest point of its orbit to Earth. For the first time since 1993 these two factors converged.
However, despite being hard to see, for amateur astronomers, the appointment has no further interest beyond this is a phenomenon that takes many years repeated. You can watch the moon bigger and brighter than ever. And it is this closeness sparked interest in areas where, as in Cadiz, was expected historical tide that caused traffic jams to get to contemplate the fall of the tide. This did not happen in Valencia. In fact, the association is not organized anything special for the occasion.
The spectacle of this phenomenon lies in a optical effect, since in reality the star "only" close to Earth, NASA said, 26,323 miles, but thanks to the star it was seen as through a large magnifying glass. The "superluna" often mistakenly associated with natural disasters or other acts .
The NASA enabled a website to track the phenomenon. But for those who missed the event there is another next to the calendar: October 11 can observe the opposite effect. The satellite is at its apogee, its farthest point, and a display 12.3% smaller.
Then I leave you with two photos taken by Mayor Antonio (my uncle). The first one observes the state of the moon. While in the second, you can see the detail of the cross of the church.

simply AWESOME!
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