An easy way to think of entropy a black hole entropy is considered to represent the energy loss free (ie, the energy available for work) of a system . It goes without saying that anything that was launched into a black hole is no longer available for any work in the wider universe.
An easy way to think of second law of thermodynamics (which deals with entropy) is to consider that heat can not flow spontaneously from a cold to a warmer place (but flows in a manner contrary) . As a result, any isolated system should eventually reach a state of thermal equilibrium, or if you will, the entropy of an isolated system tends to increase with time -. reaching a maximum value when the system reaches thermal equilibrium. If you express
entropy mathematically - it is a calculable value tends to increase with time. In the seventies, Jacob Bekenstein expressed the entropy of a black hole as a problem for physics. There is no doubt that the could explain much better than anyone else, but the idea is that if you suddenly move a system with a known entropy value beyond the event horizon of a black hole, it is immeasurable - as if its entropy to vanish, which is a violation of the second law of thermodynamics. - Since the entropy of a system should at worst remain constant - Or more often increasing - she can not suddenly fall that way.
So the best way to handle this is to recognize that any entropy a system has transferred to the black hole when the system goes into it. This is another reason why black holes are considered to have high entropy.
Then came the question of information. The following phrase "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" is a system with low entropy, while the 26 files out of a game of scrabble and laying them random ordering produces an object with a high level of entropy and uncertainty (To the extent that it could be any of a thousand million possible variations.) Throw your chips
scrabble into a black hole - which carry with them any initial value of entropy -. Which is likely to increase further in the black hole is indeed likely that chips will not only be more disorganized, but actually smash into pieces into the black hole.
the figure describes the quantum fluctuation Hawking.Una radiation near the event horizon of a black hole produces a particle and antiparticle antipartícula.La enters the black hole and annihilates when contact with a particle inside the hole remains negro.La particle is released away from the event horizon to the universe outside observer exterior.Para black hole appears to have lost ground and have radiated a partícula.Al spend time this result in the evaporation process of the hole negro.Hasta date Hawking radiation is a good story but there is no evidence of its existence from the comments of espacio.Crédito: NAU.
Now there is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics , which requires that the information can not be destroyed or lost. More in the functions wave that scrabble sheets themselves.
not violate the principle of conservation of information through a black hole filled with Scrabble tiles and your information is transferred to the black hole rather than being lost and even if the chips are broken into pieces, the information is still there somehow. This is correct.
But there is a problem if a googol years, the Black Hole evaporates through Hawking radiation , which arises from quantum fluctuations the horizon event and which has no clear causal connection with the contents of the Black Hole.
currently favored solution to this problem is the holographic principle - which suggests that anything that enters the Black Hole leaves a mark on the event horizon such that the information on the entire contents of Hole Black can be derived from only the "Area" - any Hawking radiation is influenced at the quantum level for that information - so that Hawking radiation is successful in carrying out getting information outside the black hole when it evaporates . Zhang Baocheng
physicist offers another approach that suggests that radiation Hawking, through a quantum tunneling leads to the entropy outside the Black Hole - and since the entropy is reduced means that the uncertainty is reduced - this represents a net gain of information obtained from the Black Hole. So the Hawking radiation has not only entropy, but the media, outside the black hole.
But is this more or less convincing than the idea of \u200b\u200ba hologram? The answer is that it is now uncertain.
read the study HERE
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